Egg with Parachute STEM Activity

Can you drop an egg from 6 feet without it breaking?

Students will need to design an 'egg nest' to rest their egg in. The nest, and egg, will be dropped from a height of 6 feet! Can the egg reach the ground safely?

This STEM activity will have students egg-cited to get started! The lesson includes group work, critical thinking, collaborative learning, problem-solving, and a fun Easter Egg theme! You could even use colored Easter eggs like I do! This hands-on Easter lesson is sure to get your students' minds working and keep the laughter going!

Use this lesson in math or science in relation to probability, data analysis, weight, mass, volume, shapes, etc.

I use it as a fun lesson in Religion after learning about the start of the Easter Egg!



Design a working prototype of a flying object that meets specified performance criteria.


Demonstrate an understanding of the collection, display, and analysis of data through a project.


Extend understanding of area to surface area of right rectangular prisms, right cylinders, right triangular prisms, to composite 3-D objects.


Demonstrate understanding of volume limited to right prisms and cylinders (concretely, pictorially, or symbolically) by:

  • relating area to volume


Analyze the modes of displaying data and the reasonableness of conclusions.


How to Turn a Fraction into Percentage - Unit Plan


The Easter Bible Story- A Unit Plan